Writing this blog is sometimes like opening a series of Chinese boxes. I write one post and that reveals something else which I have to write. In a recent post, I mentioned the idea of us 'waking up', and I thought it might help if I made it plain what I meant by that.
What I am talking about is coming to know from moment to moment that the ideas we've been discussing in this blog are a reality: that everything in the universe, ourselves included, are a single entity. We are all one. We are all part of the same being: part of a living energy field which some may choose to call God. This is what I am suggesting (very politely) in this blog.
But I'm not expecting you to believe this just because I say so. This isn't about 'belief'. All I suggest is that you approach these ideas with an open mind and an open heart and see what you make of them. Do they seem 'right' to you? Do they resonate in any way in your consciousness? If they do, or even if you are not certain about it, perhaps you will investigate some of the teachers I mention in this blog and some of the practices I suggest. I've mentioned some of these already but there are many more to come. It is all about finding a way to connect to that field of energy: that same field which lies behind the illusion we think of as matter. It is all about waking up to what is real.
This does not mean abandoning any belief system you may already have. I'm not trying to turn anyone away from any belief which already serves them. It seems to me that the concept of unity is entirely consistent with the great spiritual traditions and I'd like to talk about this in a future post. But at the same time, there isn't any conflict either if you don't believe in God. The energy field we're talking about can simply be viewed as a natural phenomenon, which doesn't have to be labeled as 'God' if you'd rather not.
This 'waking up' can also be called 'enlightenment', which might be described as 'a lightening of the load', literally a lifting of the burden of life from our shoulders. After all if we are really all part of the same being, if when we look into someone else's eyes, we see only ourselves looking back, where does this leave our striving for position, our need to stay 'ahead of the pack', our constant attention to the image of ourselves we display to the world?
In our present state, it as though we are all carrying an enormous statue of ourselves on our shoulders, a statue which we believe is of enormous interest to everyone else around us, all of whom are constantly studying the statue and seeking to identify some deficiency in it. In actual fact, unknown to us, our statue is hardly noticed, for everyone is too busy taking care of their own statues to pay any attention to ours. When we wake up, we realize this and can finally lift that statue, that great burden we have carried the whole of our lives, from our shoulders. We can finally feel the lightening of the load.
Happy New Year to you all! May the years ahead bring a lightening of the load for humanity...
This may also be of interest:
There are many who believe that the planet we live on is a living entity in itself...I do believe this is known as the Gaia Hypothesis and was first formulated by James Lovelock in the 1960s. His initial hypothesis was that the biomass modifies the conditions on the planet to make conditions on the planet more hospitable – the Gaia Hypothesis properly defined this "hospitality" as a full homeostasis. Lovelock's initial hypothesis, accused of being teleological by his critics, was that the atmosphere is kept in homeostasis by and for the biosphere.
Lovelock suggested that life on Earth provides a cybernetic, homeostatic feedback system operated automatically and unconsciously by the biota, leading to broad stabilization of global temperature and chemical composition.
If the earth can be classed as a single organism which can regulate itself...then why can we not think likewise about the universe?
Posted by: Templar | January 01, 2007 at 03:40 AM
I often ponder the idea that a neutrino can exist for trillions of trillions of years in our body and never encounter a particle. We used to think we are a solid mass but in reality we are emptiness; seamlessness; infinite potentiality. This nothingness is that from which everything has emerged so I consider it God as it is Source. It is also the same essence that is everything. Waking up to me, means really feeling this sense of unity and oneness; it means bringing this reality into our lives and letting go of our past beliefs. I truly believe when humankind "gets" this, or "wakes up" our world will be quite different. I envision a world of peace and goodness as we realize we are not separate but one. What we do to one another and our earth we do to ourselves.
Thank you for your thoughts!
Wishing you a wonderful New Year!
Posted by: jennifere | January 01, 2007 at 02:39 PM
May we all feel a lightening of our load as we move into 2007.
By coincidence (or not) during a new year blitz on my room today I came across a passage I had copied from a book by MIke Robison if I may quote a bit here......
"Enlightenment is not a finished state. It is a reward upon the path of progress. To be enlightened is to have lightened the load you carry. We do this by becoming aware of our thoughts,words and actions. Many people believe that enlightenment occurs on top of a mountain where a bolt of white light hits the person and makes them an all knowing being. This can occur if you are ready and have become the master of your way of being,but for most of us enlightenment occurs because because we realise something about our self,others or a situation. It is as though the light has been turned on, which enables you to see the truth. These small flashes of light are what transforms us,because once we become aware,we can act in the right way."
So as you say Simon to see the statue/burdon we have carried throughout our life is an amazing awakening. Then day by day as we see more and more of the old patterns come into play and we really watch that .....gradually more of the self crumbles away. Maybe it is a case of bits of the statue begin to crumble as we see it more clearly?
My best to all and thanks for the messages Simon.
Posted by: Sally | January 01, 2007 at 07:05 PM
This was most a most interesting read. I think we can indeed all be of one. It would certainly explain how God can be everywhere and why we're so interconnected. Whatever the case may be the world is so much bigger than us and there is so much we can't possibly understand.
Thank you for such an interesting post. Happy 2007 to you! Wishing you peace, love and happiness.
Posted by: Desiree | January 01, 2007 at 09:13 PM
Welcome Templar and welcome back everyone else - thank you for your comments and good wishes! Is it just me or is there a buzz in the blogosphere this new year's day?
As regards Gaia, Templar, I wonder if some feedback switch will shortly be tripped which will release a little wisdom humanity's way? Perhaps to wake us up sufficiently that we don't destroy ourselves and the planet?
Jennifer - this is the future which I also envision. In such a world there would still be all sorts of challenges to face and arguments about how to achieve them, but it would make such a difference if we were really all working for the good of humanity and the universe instead of in our own individual interests.
I only hold to this dream because I have been given glimpses of how this new consciousness might feel. These glimpses were indeed like bolts of lightening, moments of revelation which came upon me in an instant. But they were glimpses only, a foretaste of what is possible. The real process of waking is more as Sally (and Mike Robison) suggest. It is a very gradual process, and I myself am only hearing the first stirrings of birdsong in the distance! The way I live my life is, to be honest, very little different from how it ever was, but the difference now is that I am aware of how I am behaving and how it could be different. And as I am aware of this, "more of the old self crumbles away" (to quote Sally). Sometimes I'm sure that this is correct. At others, I do not seem to be making very much progress. But I no longer see any other path to follow.
Desiree - I agree there is so much that we can't understand - yet I seem to be compelled to try! It does make you wonder, though, why so many people think they know *exactly* what is going on and get very, very upset when they learn that other people have different ideas. There are a lot of similarities in what we all believe. May 2007 be the year we all start searching them out!
Posted by: Secret Simon | January 01, 2007 at 11:23 PM
it is good to remember this.
Posted by: carrie | January 02, 2007 at 01:21 AM
I like how you say "But I'm not expecting you to believe this just because I say so." Some people, in spreading their ideas and opinions, try so hard to force their own thoughts down your throat, as if by force they can somehow make you adopt the same beliefs. And then, there are some people who present the idea as "It's mine. It doesn't have to be yours too, but here's why I think you should listen up." Those types of people are much more persuasive, in my humble opinion.
Happy New Year to you as well.
Posted by: thethinker | January 02, 2007 at 01:58 AM
Am so enlightened to have found your blog. Am a teacher of Religion in a High School and am surrounded by a number of people on an amazing labryinth of journeys towards the Center/Being. Enlightenment is a relationship with so many facets/faucets.
Would appreciate staying in touch with your spaces as my hungry soul needs it so much.
Posted by: Mares | January 02, 2007 at 05:36 AM
Very good post. Happy New Year. May we all travel a little lighter each day on our spiritual journey!
Keep up your inspiring work!
Posted by: Mark | January 02, 2007 at 08:33 PM
Happy New Year to everyone!
Carrie and Mark - thanks for your comments and encouragement!
Mares - I'm delighted to hear from you - welcome to my blog! Do please stay in touch and I look forward to hearing from you again.
Thinker - I'm glad you like my approach. I get as irritated as most people do by those people who knock on your door and try to impose a rigid set of beliefs on you. I'd hate my blog to be viewed in the same light and I'm very concerned that it won't be! Yes, I have some ideas that I want to put forward here, but all I'm hoping is that people will listen and see what they think - and I'm always happy to hear other points of view.
Posted by: Secret Simon | January 02, 2007 at 10:51 PM
Hey there and a wonderful happy new year to you all.
The concept of oneness is becoming very prolific especially when you look around at blogs all over the internet, I for one also talk about the same thing now. When I was younger, my spiritual teachings taught me about separateness which never "felt" right to me. When I first got introduced to the concept of "oneness" through reading the "Conversations with God" series of books it truly felt right to me and gave me an entire new perspective of life and love.
Thank you for your inspiring posts as always! :)
Posted by: Amit | January 03, 2007 at 02:48 AM
"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one
trifling exception, is composed of others."
-Andrew J. Holmes
Interesting thoughts, Simon. My son will be given his rank of Eagle in Boy Scouts this Friday - a ceremony I have attended for many other young men. There is always a story told at the end, about boys who are sent up a mountain and are asked to bring back whatever plant they find. Most go and soon come back from the lower levels with various leaves. One boy however, comes back with nothing - he had climbed to the top of the mountain and there was nothing growing there. But he came back telling the story of what he saw - about the next mountain in the distance and about the sea that stretched beyond.
Maybe we need to learn to be like the Eagle - to look beyond our own immediate area and realize the grandness and possibilities of the world.
Posted by: Sunflower Optimism | January 03, 2007 at 04:10 AM
Hi Simon
Just a thought(?) but in your earlier message about glimpses of the old self crumbling....you mentioned a certain lack of progress you feel. What is it that feels that? It is the mind which loves to get in on the act telling us we are not progressing on the Spiritual path. Seeing that is so freeing.....it becomes quite funny when we see that the mind is telling us we are not present enough!
ie. the mind is telling us we are identifying with our thoughts. Watching the mind do what it has always done is very enlightening when you really notice it.
Seeing the humour there is what keeps the light in enlightenment.....and I love your title on this blog..."Spirituality with a sense of humour"
Eckhart suggests when we really watch the mind it becomes like watching the antics of a little child and we can smile at that.
Posted by: Sally | January 03, 2007 at 02:03 PM
Amit - Great to hear from you again. I had a very similar experience to you when reading Neale Donald Walsch's 'Conversations With God Book One'. At last, I thought, literally fighting back tears, here was the truth I'd been searching for! Finally, here were some ideas about God which *made sense*! I really must do a post about that book. If anyone would like to know more about unity, go out and buy it now!
Sunflower - Many congratulations to your son! And maybe that distant mountain and sea are also a part of ourselves - as well all the limitless space beyond.
Sally - Thank you - I've been keeping this in mind today. When we realize how ridiculous it is to keep polishing our statue all the time, it can be extraordinarily liberating. I had a day a few months ago when for five minutes or so, I really *knew* this truth deep down. And I couldn't stop laughing! It seemed to me that I'd finally discovered what the Buddha found so amusing.
Posted by: Secret Simon | January 04, 2007 at 08:27 PM
The conversations with God series are wonderful, I was in Findhorn for a Neale Donald Walsch workshop weekend in August which I really found life changing.
I have dvds of the weekend which I can lend you Simon when I see you. He talks so much sense and keeps the humour up throughout.
May we all stop "polishing our statues" as 2007 progresses......after all nobody is looking at them....all too busy polishing their own!!
Posted by: Sally | January 04, 2007 at 10:54 PM
Sounds interesting, Sally!
Sunflower - For some reason I overlooked the quote from Andrew J Holmes when I responded to you before. It got me thinking that this idea of us all being one can be a bit of a shock to the system. For a Christian, I suppose it's heresy, is it? But as I've said, I'm much more interested in the similarities between the various faiths than the differences between them, and I'm certainly not expecting all my readers to *believe* everything I say. Perhaps, however, it might be interesting to *imagine* that we are all one, just as an exercise. And then consider the words of Jesus: "Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself". Is it now easier or harder to obey that commandment?
Posted by: Secret Simon | January 05, 2007 at 01:42 AM
Awesom cant wait to share with the world my exictment on new Harry Potter movie! Recomended highly!
Posted by: Bridgituerf | July 12, 2007 at 11:02 PM
I agree, it's hard getting in touch with your feelings, and too bad the beacon on top of the head didn't come to fruition, evolutionarily speaking. It would make things so much easier.
Posted by: cardiogirl | August 02, 2007 at 01:54 PM
Hi Secret Simon.
Great post. Some people believe humans only really wake up when they are perceived dead by people in this world. Do you limit your sense of awakening to your human existence?
Posted by: Liara Covert | September 14, 2007 at 01:55 PM
Thanks Liara - glad you liked the post. Yes, although I believe that 'waking up' is certainly possible *before* death, I suspect that there are more enlightened 'dead' people than there are live ones! From what I've heard the 'waking up' often seems to happen spontaneously shortly before death. My mother was once such instance. She was in great pain in the final days of her life but also blissful in a way which was wonderful to behold. I really believe we can live our lives in a similar state of being.
Posted by: Simon | September 15, 2007 at 12:34 AM
I can find the prayer I want. I thank God for this website.
Posted by: Alex | January 18, 2009 at 02:00 AM
Hi Alex - Welcome to my blog. What a lovely comment! I'm very pleased you found this useful.
Posted by: Simon | January 19, 2009 at 10:15 PM
"more enlightened dead people", what a crock! We are just as enlightened *there* as we were *here*. Just in 'bodies' of a different vibration.
Another expression of a mentally abstract oneness, where all Individuality is negated. Along with all Responsibility and Accountability of Individual Will along with it.
Posted by: Sue Ann Edwards | January 20, 2009 at 11:52 PM
Upon death, the ONLY realization that sets in, is that we survive beyond the dissolution of our physical bodies. And sometimes even that doesn't sink in.
Posted by: Sue Ann Edwards | January 21, 2009 at 12:04 AM
You know {{simon}} we may be all connected but that doesn't mean we are all the same, that INDIVIDUALITY is lost. I'm connected to my sister but am not my sister, for we are EACH Individuals.
If I'm not prepared and trained to be a Master of my life's energy in a human body, then I am not allowed to expand to the level of manifesting as a planetary body.
Gaia has begun her withdrawal, btw. There will no longer be any kind of 'guardian spirit' we can count on to clean up the messes we make, through the use of our Individual Will's.
Humanity is in charge now.
Posted by: Sue Ann Edwards | January 21, 2009 at 12:09 AM
"Unity" cannot be realized so long as there is one hint of any concept of separation contaminating our consciousness. Like the concept that separates our experiences from our Will of calling them into being.
If we can't be responsible for our Creative Will's as a human being, then we sure aren't going to be allowed to operate at a universal level.
Like if I'm a wreck waiting to happen riding a bicycle, then I'm NOT going to be given a car to drive. BECAUSE I haven't shown myself to be Responsible nor Accountable.
The conscious awareness of Unity will forever be with held from us, so long as we refuse to claim our Creative Responsibilities for EVERY experience that comes into our lives.
Posted by: Sue Ann Edwards | January 21, 2009 at 12:16 AM
Of all things, don't ask "is this right?" Ask "is this loving?". And don't ask your head nor your gut, ask your heart.
Fear resides both in our guts and in our heads and that is why it is wisest to ignore the council of both.
For those of us raised in the West, Eastern beliefs and concepts are *new*. But they are not *new* at all, simply *new* to us.
I have been saying that the separation that has existed is now over. In ages past, this separation manifested into creation through the forms of East & West.
The West ignored Spirit and concentrated of the development of the Individual. The East ignored the Individual and concentrated on the development of Spirit. What I call: Numb-skulls & Numb-nuts. (or bullocks to you)
UNITY requires BOTH, acting in UNISON.
What you and others of us keep expressing as *new*, which isn't AT ALL, are these OLD beliefs of the East, in complete denial and negation of Individual Self Development. The "I" part of the "I Am".
Before we ever embodied as a human, we were simply 'am'. But in order to be "one" with All That Is, required we understand, through experience of it, what the "I" of self awareness is all about. So we took the leap to "i AM".
The journey back to "I AM" is NOT through the negation of the "I". It is through expanding the "i" to the level of "I".
What all the Eastern beliefs keep doing, is remembering backwards, before we ever experienced the "I" in the first place. All these beliefs do, is RETARD spiritual growth.
That is why living conditions in countries where the majority of people believe in these ideas of negation, are so poor and destitute in living conditions for most of the people. For the outside genuinely IS an indicator of the inside and there is NO love for Humanity in any of these beliefs.
Most of us who have been waiving a banner of being 'spiritual' have, as yet, undergone ANY Spiritual Integration at all. But have only been touting the false pride or our vain egos'.
As of December, Integration is beginning, no matter how our vanities have tried to block it. It is what the collapse of our economies is all about, for our claims of Worth and Spiritual Identity, haven't been backed up by any substance of Spirit, whatsoever.
Any what ever part of the realities we've been living are not Integrated with the Greater Reality of Spirit, are what are being wiped out, across the board.
Funny joke, all the "positive thinking". I wonder how many of us that practiced this nonsense, have had all their money, investments and illusions of worth and security wiped out lately?
Posted by: Sue Ann Edwards | January 21, 2009 at 01:19 AM
And the REASON you're having such a hard time Understanding and facing what I am endeavoring to share with you, is because during *this* lifetime and *previous* ones, you've been doing this same "bad" and "evil" thing as is in your current 'meditations', making 'you' a "bad" person and an "evil" person and....
you don't have the spiritual integration required to Understand and Forgive your own self, your own humanity and human nature, for misunderstanding all along, for being "evil" and "bad". All your JUDGMENTS of "evil" and "bad" keep getting in your way of Accepting that there IS NO "evil" or "bad", just Ignorance and *oopsies*.
Physical symptoms are the FIRST signs of Soul Integration, for as Light of a Spiritual nature comes in, it brings up all the density within us, all our darkness, and to all of us that haven't been through them yet.....
just wait.
Posted by: Sue Ann Edwards | January 21, 2009 at 04:40 AM
Hi Sue Ann - I write this after our lengthy exchange on the 'Towards A Miracle In The Middle East' thread - and I have to say it's a great relief to be talking about something else for a change. I suspect we're not *really* talking about something else at all - some of the same themes keep recurring - but the focus here is on self development, which is what you think is important and is what really interests me anyway.
My reference to 'enlightened dead people' was derived from my observation that many people seem to reach this state at the end of their lives. I wasn't implying that the transition itself makes a difference.
You keep saying that I am denying individuality. That isn't my intention. It certainly isn't what's in my mind when I'm writing, so perhaps I am choosing the wrong words. I totally and absolutely accept that we are spirit and individual both. As I wrote to you yesterday, I think I am stressing the spirit element, the Oneness element, because that is the part of which people are generally not aware. They *know* they are individuals. What they don't often know is that they are also Divine. (Yet perhaps I need to make myself clearer...)
You also seem to think that I take all my ideas from Eastern teaching. From my perspective, I take just as many from the teachings of Jesus, from modern writers such as Eckhart Tolle - and from *you* for that matter. I don't even claim to be particularly knowledgeable about Buddhism and Hinduism. If I was as impressed by them as you seem to think I am, I'd be a Buddhist or a Hindu, which I'm not.
The first teaching which really spoke to me was Conversations With God Book One by Neale Donald Walsch, but I am reluctant to take my teaching from any one source. I go with what resonates with me, with what feels 'right', with what touches my heart perhaps.
I take on board what you say about the heart. I shall pay attention to where our inner knowing comes from - we may return to this if you get the chance to comment on my latest post.
Posted by: Simon | January 21, 2009 at 10:39 PM
You say "Before we ever embodied as a human, we were simply 'am'. But in order to be "one" with All That Is, required we understand, through experience of it, what the "I" of self awareness is all about. So we took the leap to "i AM". The journey back to "I AM" is NOT through the negation of the "I". It is through expanding the "i" to the level of "I"."
This is fascinating. Could you expand on it?
Posted by: Simon | January 21, 2009 at 10:51 PM
You asked if I could expand? So I did.
In the reading you will find many answers. But what I will say is that the meditations have been outer directed, as in, sending 'love' or 'peace'. This is where it gets *off*. Simply because it is outer directed. This is not going within. We go within to go within. Not for the purpose of an outward manifestation.
Now you may ask, 'how does this help my fellow man? It helps because by going within and staying inner directed, we learn how to Love ourselves, more deeply as we go. And since we are part of the whole, loving ourselves more increases the love of the Whole. That is why I keep saying to claim Responsibility for our individual drops. Once enough drops are there, in our collective bucket, it has a chain reaction and changes the entire bucket.
I once likened it for being in the water drowning. With plenty of company. We're all drowning in the waters. I see a boat, a big ship and start swimming for it. As I do, I pass many people. Loved ones, friends, other people struggling, too. "Help me, help me" they cry.
Now I did try to 'save' many. But they made it more difficult for me to swim and slowed down my reaching the boat.
It took me ignoring the cries of many to reach that boat. But I did it, because....
from the boat I could throw out multitudes of life preservers and ropes and could help multitudes reach it. Where if I stopped to help before, I could have only helped maybe one or two.
Now while on the boat, I threw out ropes but some did not reach for them. That is when I learned that I cannot jump back into the waters to save those that don't want to even try to reach for the rope. It is the 'moral' of the same story told of Jesus, when he said 'pick up thy bed and walk'.
"The Lord helps those that help themselves."
Now here is what I wrote to "expand"....
When I was a little girl, I played dress up in my Momma's clothes. I knew it was dress up. I didn't fill her shoes.
While I had the potential to fill her shoes, this had yet to be proved.
I say:
I Am Evil.
I Am Bad.
I Am Blind.
I Am Ignorant.
I Am Idiotic.
I Am Terrifying.
And it doesn't bother me a bit to claim it. I feel no shame, no embarrassment. I wear the hat, no matter which hat is it.
Because I Am That I Am.
I claim the full rainbow of human potential and nature. That is why and how...
I Am One With All That Is.
I speak from an experience of Realization. I Am...without a doubt.
It is not a mental idea that I happen to be in love with. It is a Realization. A *Knowing*. A 'state of awareness and mind' I happen to live with now-a-days.
We each must seek this inner knowing of "Oneness" within our own selves. For the Love our Personality's know, is not Divine Love at all. The very last thing we need, is more amplification of our Personality level's needs.
And to meditate on how we are all 'one', like has been published, and much touted, to 'see' all of the world over as being "one", I liken to Hercules, saying "I Am my Soul's Glory" at the beginning of his journey. To which he is answered, "Not yet, you're not, for this has not been proved."
I can also find analogy in the story of Jesus. Jesus went into the desert. Met up with the Devil. And came out a Christ. Then went on to spread the message of a Christ.
'Going into the desert', is the same thing as 'releasing ourselves from attachments'. He turned his back on the ways of the world and on his attachments to those ways.
Then he meets up with the 'Devil'. This was HIS Devil, representing his dark side. For that is really what the "Devil" is, a scapegoat to blame for all our human characteristics and potentials that we don't happen to like. So we judge and reject these characteristics, assigning the blame to an entity other then ourselves.
"Oh no, not me. I am Love & light. I am smiles and sunshine. I am a warrior for Spirit."
This is the fundamental cause at the root of all our realities based on duality and polarity. I am *this* but not *that*. I am *light* but not *dark*. I am *good* but not *evil*. I am *positive* but not *negative*.
And we live our days in a constant state of inner conflict. For whether we can admit it or not, we are all the same...INSIDE. We are all 'human'. Which means making mistakes and being blind and ignorant in our ways.
It is in CLAIMING our own 'Devil' our own Darkness, that we come to Recognize and REALIZE the Christ within us, too. For our Divinity is hidden in our Darkness. Because...
it takes an Emanation of Divine origin, an expression of Spiritual character, to be able to embrace our Darkness in Unconditional Love and Understanding.
It is why I have been saying until we realize we are 'one with all that is', there is NO way we can recognize we are 'one' we each other and all life.
I relate it to appearances of Worth not backed up by any substance of character. Appearances that can be bought and stolen. On credit, even. I say these appearances are placebos of Worth, merely storefronts, for many of us have difficulties with our self images if these appearances disappear.
We spend our days doing our best to acquire and maintain more appearances, while I ask the question: "Why do we feel we need them so much?"
Because we've got issues with our Self Esteem and Self Respect, that's why. Even if we can manage to keep up our appearances and keep our skeletons locked inside the closet of our bodies, we live in fear someone will find out that yes we do have these skeletons.
Conditional love, love upon the condition of 'good' sets up the conflict within us. It also sets up all our issues involving worth and if we are lovable and acceptable.
But we are 'human' after all, and we have been trained to stuff our darkness and everything else we don't like about ourselves, into our subconscious.
Going within, is delving into these levels, increasingly deeper levels, of our subconscious.
Want to *know* how I *know* ~you~ and all others?
Because I *know* myself. To the extent I *know* myself, is the extent I *know* all of us. Nothing ~psychic~ about it. My understanding of my own human nature is simply that DEEP. It took me decades.
Now look at all these 'meditations'. How many are projected within and how many are based on influencing the world outside of us? Like looking outside of us and saying 'we are all one' is trying to work from the outside in, not the inside, out.
The Divine Feminine holds the Immaculate Concept for each one of us. Now this Divine Love of the Mother, is not what human love and human mothers especially like.
Us human mothers are concerned and focused on keeping our children alive and well. While our Divine Mother is concerned and focused on encouraging our Divine Realization. That's why a Divine Mother holds the Immaculate Concept, that each one of us will realize and recognize our Divinity, because that is all she sees.
It's why *me* and most women don't get along. Because I'm focused on inspiring our Divinity to come forth and most human mothers keep getting in the way.
If we have never fallen, we don't realize we have within us the strength to get back up.
Think about if our mothers were so afraid of us falling that they never let us learn to walk. Carried us everywhere. Would we ever be free? Would we have ever experienced what it feels like to have the wind rushing through our hair?
Now I am a human mother. And I looked deeply at the issue regarding my own children. The soul-u-tion I found for all my fears, was to teach my children to look within. So they would recognize their own power and their own Divinity. I *knew* this POWER would always be there, within their own hearts. Unlike me, for someday I will 'die' too.
What happens as we near death, is that we let go of our struggles. It is a tremendous release and relief. Like falling into bed after being up for 36 hours straight.
I quote the phrase "Rest in Peace".
Contemplate that statement for a while. 'Rest' can't be understood without being Awake, can it?
Just as we can't take a 'vacation' if we don't have a job, something to actually 'vacate'.
As for the little i becoming a big I...it is a matter of Identity. (The i's' have it; the am's don't.)
I take us back to the 'reconciliation of the two brothers'. One is a son of Man, the other a son of God. One is human, the other Divine. And that is what 'the path' is all about. It is what happened to Jesus during his days in the desert.
He went in being a 'human' seeking to have a 'spiritual' experience and came out 'Divine' having an 'human' experience.
The step by step process is what the website I am building is all about, btw. We all like stories and it is the story of 'hera-kles'. One of his challenges involved seeking a doe and returning it to Apollo's temple. Where he witnesses an argument going on between Apollo and two Goddess.
One of the Goddess speaks up and says 'the doe is mine. I am the mother of all creatures and forms.' The other Goddess speaks up and says, 'No, the does is mine. I am the Goddess of the hunt.'
One Goddess represents our Instinct, which rules over even the animals. The other Goddess represents our Intellect, which can out think Instinct. The hunter uses his intellect to be a successful hunter.
But Apollo speaks up and says, 'The does belongs to me. My claim is superior to either one of yours for the does is Life itself.' Then heals the doe, bringing it back to life. Apollo represents our Intuition.
Fear is Instinctual. And while we may have Intelligence, it is still at the direction of our Instinctual feelings, until Intuition takes over. Intuition is heart centered, love centered, where Instinct is not.
What each of us will find when we've been on our personal journeys long enough, is that when ever we base a decision on fear, it NEVER does us any good. Nothing *positive* ever comes of it, other then to learn to try not to do that again.
How's that for 'expanding'?
Sue Ann
Posted by: Sue Ann Edwards | January 23, 2009 at 10:10 PM
Sue Ann had difficulty posting the above comment due to Typepad's current flakiness, so she emailed it to me and I've posted it on her behalf. It also relates to the discussion we had on the 'Towards A Miracle In The Middle East Thread'.
Thanks, Sue Ann. That's some expansion! I shall study it carefully....
Posted by: Simon | January 23, 2009 at 10:13 PM
Could you help me. What some people mistake for the high cost of living is really the cost of high living.
I am from Chad and , too, and now am writing in English, please tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "Broadway kiss me, kate musical lyrics, soundtrack lyrics I come to wive it wealthily in padua."
Best regards :P, Savannah.
Posted by: Savannah | February 21, 2009 at 03:42 PM
Hi Savannah - Not *entirely* sure this is relevant, but I'm happy to help. That's really more like a Google search than a proper sentence, but "I come to wive it wealthily in Padua" is indeed the title of a song from "Kiss Me Kate". I never knew that before. What exactly "wive" means is unclear though. I've never seen the word before. If I were you, I wouldn't use it in everyday vocabulary.
Posted by: Simon | February 22, 2009 at 10:35 PM