Earlier this year, The Secret DVD did much to publicize the law of attraction - the idea that we can create our own reality through the power of positive thought. In this series of posts, I'm highlighting what I see as the most useful techniques in The Secret, and the one I'd like to talk about today is one which you may not have encountered before even if you've seen the DVD, because it doesn't appear in the movie, only in the accompanying book.
The reason it didn't make it onto the DVD may be because it will only make immediate sense to those who are already familiar with the idea of being in the moment and connecting with the energy which can be found there. If you read this blog regularly, you'll already know what I'm talking about. Otherwise, I urge you to look at one of Eckhart Tolle's excellent books The Power Of Now or the briefer Practicing The Power Of Now, which will explain all about it.
You could also try taking a look at one or two of my earlier posts. Feeling What Is briefly describes the process of coming to rest and connecting with the moment, while An End To All Abuse contains a visualization in which you imagine being one with the universe, an integral part of everything that is.
Both of these are gateways to the same state of consciousness, in which you realize that you are an integral part of everything: a part of the force of nature, a part of the universe. In such a state, you are able to focus on your own perfection, on your own boundless abundance, for if you are a part of this great energy, then you too must share its attributes, you too must possess its limitless power.
With a focus like this, there is no longer any room for the anxious thoughts which might creep in if you were trying to imagine a new house or a car. Those nagging questions "will it work?" or "do I deserve it?" become irrelevant. Once you are aware that you are part of this energy, that you are one with the universe, there can be no doubt that you share in its perfection. So focus on that perfection - and bring it into your life.
This technique can be particularly useful for working on your health. The Secret DVD suggests that to improve your health, you should imagine yourself being well, but this can be hard to achieve if you are severely disabled or in great pain - or even if you've got a bad cough for that matter! In such a situation, doubts can be hard to dispel. If you feel really ill, it isn't always easy to imagine feeling better again.
If, however, you realize that you are one with all that is, that you are not separate from the life force which puts the buds on the trees and brings the green shoots from the earth, then you cannot fail to understand that on a spiritual level at least, you are perfection. Contemplate this perfection - and feel it seep into the cells of your physical body.
This is a wonderful exercise, but if you have difficulty with the whole 'oneness with the universe' thing, I came across a useful variation at Sue Ann Edwards' excellent blog, Always Embraces All Ways. This has the rather dull title of Standard Technology (not Sue Ann's name!) but it's a very powerful exercise.
Briefly, what you have to do is to imagine that there's a perfect cell in your body. I think all of us are willing to accept that we have at least one of them! Imagine that cell all vibrant and happy, then set it as the standard for all the other cells in your body. And watch the perfection spread throughout your being...
If you like the sound of that exercise, please go and read all about it at Sue Ann's blog here.
Next time, in the last of this series, I'll be talking about the most powerful law of attraction technique of all. And this one is very, very simple...
(To see the previous posts in this series, please click here: part 1 - part 2)
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Thank you for this exercise, Simon, and for the link to Sue Ann's blog. Her suggestions seem to me to be very fine examples of anchoring, a concept I first came across via NLP. I look forward to doing this visualisation for myself at the weekend.
Posted by: Pam | November 15, 2007 at 05:27 PM
Thank you for the plug, {{Simon}}!!!! I'll share an update on my own use of it here, since you brought it up.
Physical problems presented themselves that I had been unaware of. After a few trips to emergency rooms and a couple of trips into surgery, these 'problems' were resolved.
Now among other things, I can feel comfortable if the temps are below 85 degrees Farenheit. And my left side isn't freezing cold all the time. Blood moving through my arteries feels wonderful. I highly recoommmed it. Smiling REAL big.
Posted by: Sue Ann Edwards | November 15, 2007 at 07:33 PM
Ooops....if anyone clicks on my name, they'll be redirected to the 'new' blog I'm building, not the one on wordpress. I'm in two places right now but the wordpress one is the one I'm keeping current as I build the other. Sorrry....turning beet red....
Posted by: Sue Ann Edwards | November 15, 2007 at 07:35 PM
Well you be careful Simon, when you nominate your ideal cell and instruct all others to copy it in all its protoplasmic perfection; you could end up as a hunk of meat, a pool of blood or a giant bone. Just as well it doesn't work; innit eh?
Posted by: Lee | November 16, 2007 at 02:54 PM
Pam – Thanks for dropping by and saying saying ‘Hi!’ – and good luck with the visualisation. I just looked up anchoring. There’s some good stuff on it here:
Sue Ann – I’m not sure why you’re blushing but it’s very endearing. I’m a bit concerned about you being in two places at once, though. Perhaps that is why your left side was cut off from your blood supply? Seriously though, I’m glad it’s sorted out – and your new site looks great!
Hi Lee – It’s great to hear from you, but I think you’ve taken my words a bit too literally here. (Note to other readers: This isn’t some passing awkward so-and-so but my old friend and colleague Lee, who I’m pleased to see drops by occasionally to check if I’m still as crazy as the last time she looked.) Having been ill for a long time myself, I’m not suggesting that this kind of approach is the total answer to everyone’s health problems, but I do believe that techniques like this can be very helpful. And where do you draw the line, Lee, in disbelieving this mind-body stuff? What about the placebo effect, for instance?
Posted by: Secret Simon | November 16, 2007 at 10:33 PM
Hey Simon,
This is really good timing for me. I'm struggling with depression and stopping meds that aren't working. And I am in need of some type of "meditative coping mechanism."
As someone who routinely beats herself up to a bloody pulp I found this line extremely helpful ... "imagine that there's a perfect cell in your body. I think all of us are willing to accept that we have at least one of them!"
Yes, I can accept that there is at least one perfect cell running amok. Thanks for the suggestion.
You are very eloquent, Simon, in your response to Lee. As noted earlier I am really struggling with irritation and aggravation as a withdrawal effect and I have to say you are quite a diplomatic gent.
Random side note: I think I mentioned this before, but I'll say it again. I really like the light blue on your site, it's very calming.
Posted by: cardiogirl | November 18, 2007 at 10:59 AM
Hi Cardio - Thanks for your comment! I really hope you find the technique helpful. I've talked quite a lot in this blog about dealing with emotions etc. but your visit makes me realize that I don't know how clinical depression fits into this. Can the associated emotions be released in the same way, I wonder? I really need to do some research into this...
I'm glad you think I'm diplomatic - I doubt that my wife would agree! The good thing about doing a blog is that I have time to reflect on what people say and give a considered response. In everyday life, we usually have to react a lot more quickly than that. And if we’re feeling a bit disgruntled, we often react in anger out of habit. The thing to do is to pause for a moment and try to stop ourselves before that happens. I’m not talking about stifling your feelings, just being aware of what is happening and asking yourself if you really need to react in that way. With the side effects you are getting, that will be more difficult but perhaps it’s still worth a try... (This is all “Do as I say, not as I do!” stuff, you understand. Much of the time, I’m a bear with a sore head...)
I’m glad you like the blue. I find it peaceful too. I’ve also tweaked the typeface following your previous comments about it being too small. (I agreed!) I’m happier with it now, though Typepad’s typefaces are not ideal. They tend to be either too big or too spidery.
Thanks for dropping by!
Posted by: Secret Simon | November 18, 2007 at 10:06 PM
Great post you have made here. And thanks for all the valuable resources you have shown me.
I enjoy it! Thanks.
Alex Liu
Posted by: Alex Liu | November 20, 2007 at 05:44 AM
I agree that Rhonda Byrne's book, The Secret can have a very positive impact on people. To imagine what you would like to experience has already happened, to sense what it feels like, is to have such genuine belief in yourself that you can see nothing but success, love and fulfillment. As we each evolve to this point in different areas of our lives, we come to truly experience balance, bliss and feelings that defy conventional descriptions.
Posted by: Liara Covert | November 20, 2007 at 08:20 AM
Welcome, Alex, and thanks for your comments!
Thanks to you too Liara. It seems to me that it is indeed this 'genuine belief' that is required to manifest specific outcomes with the law of attraction. Some of us find this difficult, which is why I myself am drawn to less specific exercises like the ones I describe in this post - and indeed in part 4 (which will follow shortly). We may find it hard to imagine ourselves already having whatever it is that we want but perhaps we can believe that at least part of our being is perfect, even if it is only a single cell!
Posted by: Secret Simon | November 21, 2007 at 08:56 PM